Easy Vaping New Years Resolutions For 2025

In typical thought New Years Resolutions are annoying to commit to, hard to finish, and ultimately lead to more time reflecting on failure than charting success.
That’s why at Wulf Mods we thought we should flip the script and give you some vaping specific New Years resolutions that are easy to accomplish, fun to do, and ultimately provide you with elevated sessions.
Keep reading to watch as Wulf takes a bite out of the 2025 and up your vaping game with these easy session resolutions! Follow one, all, or none - at the end of the day with Wulf Mods it's all about your choice and ensuring your own personal Pack is thriving.

Make A Habit Of Charging
Starting things off slowly, we thought that there’s no better resolution than to make a habit of charging your vape at a certain time / day in order to ensure you are never stuck with a dead battery!
We’ve all been in the situation where we kick the can down the road and before you know it you're out with friends when your battery starts flashing saying it needs to be charged. Dodge this session road bump by reminding yourself to always charge your device at a certain time, be it every night or more spaced out depending on how often you use yours.
Accomplish this resolution now by… plugging in your vape! Despite it being easy to accomplish, this gets the ball rolling and shows you the power of making good on your desire to change for the better.
Finish Your Carts
If you are anything like Wulf Mods you’ve all got a cartridge drawer of shame full of all the various oils that we never quite got to finishing. In 2025 let's all take the brave step to stop the waste and actually finish our carts to the last bit!
While this may be harder to accomplish in the long run, the whole point of this resolution is to get you thinking about maximizing your oil experience in order to stretch your dollar and get the most out of every cart you own.
Not only will you start saving money by getting 100% out of your cart purchases, but you will also enjoy the cornucopia of flavors within your various left overs! For all of your left over carts may we direct you to the Recon 4G with its double 510 threaded connections allowing you to transform your leftovers into a delicious special flavor blend.
Remember To Share With Friends
Make 2025 the year of good karma by making sure to always feed your Wulf Pack! That’s why we propose a resolution that this year we are going to ensure that our friends are always getting the clouds that they need as well!
Whether you're rocking one of our X-Ray Series Kodo Pros or going hard on the dry herb with the Next Vaporizer - the hand held design of these devices is perfect for passing around a circle of your besties.
So the next time you're sitting with your friends, fire up your vaporizer and give the squad some clouds to start this year on the most giving of notes.
Stay On Top Of Cleaning
To make your life a whoooole lot easier we wanted to give a brief reminder that vaporizer maintenance is always easier if you stay on top of it and don’t let it build up. Wiping off the left overs of one dab in your Orbit Concentrate Vaporizer is quick and simple - but if you let it build up over time you are going to need more than a couple wipes to clean it.
That’s why we recommend the five minute rule - once a week you spend 5 minutes looking over your vaporizer and making sure that it is all clean and ready to go! The good news is most of the time you will A-Ok and not even have to clean! But when you do it should be minor so that you can spend less time scrubbing and more time ripping.
Try A New Vape!
Get outside of your comfort zone in 2025 by taking the plunge and picking yourself up a new vaporizer! If you’ve been chilling on cartridge batteries, why not step things up a notch and try out one of our concentrate vaporizers? While it’s always nice to stay with your tried and true favorites, we think it's a great resolution to set out to conquer a different type of vaporizer.
At Wulf Mods we have a vast selection of different options that not only offer different capabilities but also revolutionary takes on what you thought was standard. Case in point, with our Fang 2-in-1 you are able to watch your vapor slowly fill a cup and then “drink” it. This is not only different but incredibly fun! With the Fang and so many other options out there offering awesome new ways to enjoy your oils we think this is one of the best resolutions to add to your list!
Have A Howling 2025!
Now that we have a couple of easy to accomplish New Years Resolutions ahead of us, it’s time to hit the ground running and make this year as howlingly great as it should be!
With the year just starting out, Wulf Mods has a whole host of surprises up our sleeves that we absolutely cannot wait to share with you all! Make sure to check out our official Wulf Mods Vaporizer Blog to stay up to date on all of our releases and ensure that you are always running with the pack!